Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Office Worker Stretching Guide

 By: Terry Abrams

A majority of Americans spend 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day tied to a desk and staring at a computer. The downfall of working behind a desk is that it compromises the well being of your body. Not only does prolonged sitting affect cardiovascular health but also musculoskeletal integrity as well. Prolonged sitting along with bad posture can shorten hamstrings and hip flexors, contribute to neck and back pain, and even diminish core strength.
To keep your body in tip-top shape CardioFlex would like to share some tips on stretches and exercises you can do while at your desk.

(Tip: It is recommended to stand up, walk, stretch, etc. 5-10 min every hour.)
  1. Seated Hamstring Stretch: Hold Stretch for 30 seconds, perform 3 per side.
  2. Seated Thoracic Rotation: Hold stretch for 5 seconds, perform 10 per side.
  3. Upper Trapezius Stretch: Hold stretch for 30 seconds, perform 3 per side.
  4. Levator Scapulae Stretch: Hold for 30 seconds, perform 3 per side.
  5. Hip Flexor Stretch in Half Kneeling: Hold for 30 seconds, perform 3 per side.

Please consult a physical therapist or physician one-on-one if you have any questions, pain or other physical issues*

For more info visit: www.cardioflextherapy.com

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Physical Therapists Tips to Prevent Arthritis

By: Terry Abrams

Physical Therapy plays a big role in arthritis, it focuses on the body’s ability to engage in movement. Movement can be anything from getting in and out of chairs to climbing stairs, walking in your neighborhood, playing a sport or doing recreational activities. Arthritis commonly occurs when the cartilage — the slick, cushioning surface on the ends of bones — wears away, bone rubs against bone, causing pain, swelling and stiffness. Over time, joints can lose strength and pain may become chronic.

How To Prevent Arthritis? Simple Tips To Stay Healthy

You can’t always prevent Arthritis, there are many risk factors associated with it like increasing age, family history, and gender; women are more prone to Arthritis than men. You may be wondering why women are more prone to Arthritis, some factors that lead to this are : women have less knee cartilage than men due to hormonal difference, women are also at greater risk for an autoimmune condition called Rheumatoid Arthritis, emotional problems, lack of exercise etc.

Even though we can’t prevent the occurrence of Arthritis in most cases, we can give these steps a try and, perhaps, it will help you too.

  1. Maintain a Good Body weight — Excess body weight increases the risk factor for getting Arthritis. More weight means more pressure on joints which means faster joint wear out.
  2. Eat Fish rich in Omega 3 — Certain fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids (fish like salmonmackerelherringlake troutsardines and albacore tuna), a healthy polyunsaturated fat. Omega-3s have a number of health benefits — and may reduce inflammation in the body.
  3. Exercise — Exercise strengthens the muscles around the joints, which protects them from wear and tear. But avoid high impact exercises like long distance running, Soccer etc. as these have adverse effects and increases the wearing.
  4. Try to avoid any Injuries — when you injure your joint — for example, while playing sports or due to an accident — you can damage the cartilage in the knee and cause it to wear out more quickly.
  5. Take care of Joints — While doing physical actions like Lifting an Object lift with your legs instead of back this will reduce the strain on your joints. Similarly while carrying objects also try to distribute the weight.
  6. Stay away from High heels — Human foot is designed in such a way that it is distributing weight equally on entire feet. If you wear a high heels whole body weight is balanced by toes which in turn increases stress. So wear high heels only occasionally.
  7. Check your Vitamin D — Studies show that Vitamin D deficiency also results in Arthritis so include Vitamin D in your diet.
  8. Drink water — The cartilage in our joints is made up mostly of water, which is what makes it such a great cushion for the joints. When we’re dehydrated, water gets sucked out of the cartilage and it’s more easily damaged by wear and tear. So drink water.
  9. Consult your doctor — If your feel that you are having Arthritis, consult your doctor and take immediate steps to slow down the wear and tear on your joints.

At CardioFlex Therapy we can help you increase mobility and manage the pain associated with arthritis. Call us for information or to make an appointment at 954-693-9090.Article Credits to: Amy Lawrence, Researcher in Ayurveda

For more info visit: www.cardioflextherapy.com

Stretches for Morning Back Pain Relief by Physical Therapists

By: Terry Abrams 

Here at CardioFlex, we know that on some mornings it’s harder to get out of bed than others. This is because one of the most common complaints that patients have over 50 is… lower back pain. CardioFlex would like to share some tips to help combat the stiffness and discomfort of lower back pain. Here are 5 stretches that you can do every morning before you get your day started. We hope you enjoy!

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

This list wouldn’t be complete without a stretch for the quadriceps and hip flexors. Lie sideways, keep the legs stacked and rest your head on the bottom arm.

Bend the top leg and grab its ankle with the top arms.

Pull the leg to bring its heel as close to the butt as possible.

Hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Then lie on the other side and stretch for the same duration.

Supine Spinal Twist

The supine twist stretches the spine and back muscles. It’ll also stimulate your kidneys, urinary bladder and other internal organs.

Lie on your back and keep the left knee bent at 90 degrees.

Lift the left foot and cross it over the right leg. Then use your right arm to press the right knee to the floor.

Keep the shoulders flat on the floor throughout. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds, then alternate sides.

Side Stretch

This stretch targets your obliques (side abs), outer thighs and the shoulders. Stand upright and place your left arm on a chair or bed. Cross the left leg in front of the right one.

Raise your right arm straight over your head while you bend your hips to the right side.

Extend your right arm to the left as far as possible.

Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds and then switch sides.

Neck Stretches Side to Side

These stretches alleviate neck pain and undo the effects of sitting at a desk all day. Sit upright, then lean your head to the left side. Pull it with your left arm and stretch it for 15 seconds. Bend your neck to the right side and hold the stretch for the same duration.

Knee to Chest Stretch

This exercise stretches the lower back, hamstrings, and glutes. Feel free to perform it while lying on the floor. Lie on your back and bend your knees.

Grab both legs with your hands and pull your knees as close to the chest as possible.

Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, then rest and repeat once.

Remember to breathe deeply while holding the stretch.

CardioFlex is open Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm, and specializes in Orthopedics, Sports Injury, Neurological Conditions, and other Specialized Programs like TMJ treatment, knee rehabilitation, herniated disk treatments and more. Whatever your condition is, come in for a consultation. We accept all insurances, including Medicaid and Worker’s Comp.

Give us a call: 954-693-9090

If for any reason these exercises increase the pain or do not relieve any symptoms it may be beneficial to consult a physical therapist.

For more info visit: www.cardioflextherapy.com

Injured Knee Ligaments and Physical Therapy

 By: Terry Abrams  Knee ligaments are usually torn by severe forces caused by extreme and rapid bending of the knee. Since ligaments are str...